Monday, November 2, 2009

day two. total 2327. a little behind, but I'm so tired.

“There is no way in hell I am wearing this in public.” Laurena pouted into the mirror, looking at the 10 yards of lace that was to be her outfit to the evening’s ceremony. The young woman lifted up the skirt of the gown, showing off her skinned knees. “If this is the last night of my life where I’m allowed to have fun, I should get to wear something less….oppressive.”

'Laurena, please not today…your father wishes that you wear this. It was his mothers.” Kneeling behind her, Isola was tightening Laurena’s waist band. “It is your first night as a woman, and you need to stop being so unreasonable about acting like a woman, for once in your life.”

“I don’t think it’s unreasonable of me to want to wear something that isn’t going to try to kill me. This dress is a torture device. The lace is going to smother me. There is no point in me becoming older if I’m going to be suffocated on the night of my birthday anyways.” Laurena turned and smiled at Isola. “I can’t believe that you won’t be my nanny anymore after tonight. You’ve been taking care of me since I was born, and now I’m losing you.” Isola stood up and walked across the room, straightening up the mess that often follows a fifteen year old girl getting dressed for the evening.

“Don’t exaggerate Lau. You aren’t losing me. Things will just be changing around here. You’ll be having your ladies-in-waiting to care for you, and you’ll have me to keep them in line,” she smiled “I’ll still be here. You’ll still see me every day.”
“Oh god, is that a threat?”. Isola scowled at Laurena, then left the room, leaving the girl to her own devices.

Laurena stood up and examined herself in the full length mirror at the end of the dressing room. The dress isn’t THAT bad, she consoled herself, and maybe I can sneak in a dance with Jaaron. She straightened the light purple ribbon that hung in her long blonde hair. Tonight Laurena would celebrate her Larunom, a ceremony celebrated by all the girls who made their homes on the island. At the age of sixteen, all young women who desired to do so were bonded with the mother of life, the goddess Carolina, in a ceremony that began at midnight and lasted the entire day. In modern times, a ball followed the ceremony, where the ladies were presented to the people of the province as a woman. At sixteen they were old enough to begin their forays into the mysterious worlds of love, relationships, and eventually motherhood. Young women and men were not generally allowed to spend time together without the close eye of one of their guardians. For Laurena, none of this really mattered. For her, she was most excited about the fact that she would be allowed to enroll in the men’s university if her marks were good enough. Her father had promised she could attend after her Larunom if she behaved herself.

Laurena was not a particularly spiritual girl. She was not a “doubter”,  but she did have faith in the guidance of Carolina, but had no real connection, no real desire to pursue faith. Carolina had never touched her life in the way she had touched others. This ceremony was not her choice. Her father asked it of her, and she complied. Her father told her she must always be an excellent example of the women of Amiox. With the eyes of the kingdom constantly on her, she never really had another option.  

Her father Reilan was the King of Amiox. He was one of the most kind and generous kings Amiox had seen since the kings of old ruled over the isle. Some said he was the greatest of the isle since the great fall. But he was a modest man, and never took these words too seriously. He always gave all of himself to his people, always gave all of himself to the betterment of his people. He always expected the most of his daughter, and Laurena never disappointed him. She was a fiery girl, and feisty, but she always ended up doing what was expected of her.

And it drove her absolutely crazy. And now, here she was…in a hundred year old dress, waiting for midnight, when the high priestesses would come and lead her to the temple. How did I get myself into this situation. I do not want to be blessed. When was the last time I even went to temple? Did my morning rituals? This is supposed to be one of the most important days of my life, and here I am…hating every minute of it.

Yet, as the night ticked by, and she drew closer and closer to midnight, she found herself getting nervous. She waited impatiently for the knock on her door. She put her cloak on to protect her from the cool fall air. She still had several hours to wait. She was supposed to be calming her mind, meditating, preparing herself for the great task at hand…but she couldn’t focus on anything. Her eyes kept darting to the clock, kept readjusting. And after what felt like an impossible amount of time, she would look at the clock and see that only 5 minutes had passed.

Laurena sat herself in the center of the room, far away from anything that could distract her. She sat down and tried to calm herself, to clear her mind completely. She repeated the mantra she had been taught by Isola over and over again in her mind.


I am a woman, I surrender myself to humanity. I am a woman, I surrender myself to the land. I am a woman, I surrender myself to humanity. I am a woman, I surrender myself to the land. I am a woman, I surrender myself to humanity. I am a woman, I surrender myself to the land. I am a woman, I surrender myself to humanity. I am a woman, I surrender myself to the…

A soft knock sounded at the door. Laurena rose, fastened her cloak, and headed to the door. When she opened it there stood six women, wearing the orange cloaks of the high priestesses of the kingdom.

“Laurena Rosabla Mion,” a soft voice emanated from the hooded cloak nearest her, “today you are a woman. Today you unify yourself as a giver of life with all those that brought life to you.” The priestess held out her hand to Laurena. Laurena took it, and allowed herself to be guided through the familiar halls of her home, across the courtyard, and into the royal temple.
As she entered, she saw that the familiar hall was lit by a low candlelight. In a circle surrounding the center of the temple stood the rest of the council of priestesses.

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